Movement and Circulation

Movement and Circulation... I always encourage you to move more outwith class to help boost the circulation. It sends oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and helps your cardiovascular system work more efficiently. When your heart and lung health improves you have...

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Men and Pilates

Men and Pilates (Not just for women)   Most people don’t automatically think of men when you mention Pilates however many male athletes and celebrities know the benefits of Pilates for their sport or for their body. Pilates can be mistaken to be too easy however...

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10 Excuses NOT to Exercise

10 Excuses NOT to Exercise I don't have enough time. However, you have enough time to sit and watch TV and surfing the internet and social media. Cut back your time doing these or exercise while you watch the TV. I don't have the motivation to exercise. Yes you...

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Which Diet?

Which Diet? There are so many diets and diet clubs out there and different fads... so what do you do? All the diets out there are very different from each other, some cutting out certain foods, eating more of another, and there are various results from weight loss...

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How to measure your waist

Having a slim waist has nothing to do with aesthetics but more with your life-span and heart health. Ideally your waist line should be half or less your height. Its an easy and better measure than body mass index (BMI). So, forget the scales and try this. All you need...

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Gradual Lifestyle Changes

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be hard for many people and this can be due to doing too much at once. We start full of enthusiasm and a huge list of what we want to change then we feel overwhelmed and often we give up. It is best to tackle it a little at time. If...

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Bone Health

This week we are talking a little about.... Bone Health This is so important as we get older and especially for women due to osteoporosis making it more important that you do what you can to keep your bones strong. The best way to strengthen our bones I will list...

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Adductor Stretch

ADDUCTOR (INNER THIGH) STRETCHING Probably nothing you have considered before is "I really need to make sure my inner thigh is flexible" however if you think of the muscles involved and where they are you will understand that it is actually quite important that these...

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