Pilates Flow

This week’s Pilates is Pilates Flow. With a flow of moves taking you from standing to the floor you will tone your legs, abs and arm.  Alternatives given throughout to make this session truly yours. Feel your body mobilise, strengthen and lengthen. You can...

Monday Pilates & Weights

Add tone and strength to all the muscle groups particularly the core, back, shoulders and chest by incorporating light weights into this session. The weights shouldn’t be too heavy because we are working slowly with the muscles and want to maintain our good...

Classes running face to face, live online and on catch up.

Monday night HiiT Pilates

Using all the Pilates principles tone your whole body. Starting with a warm up we then go straight into 1 minute intervals followed by a short rest.  Each exercise has the option of various levels to work at so find a level that suits you. Finish it all with a...